So, I've been away from computer ever since i got my beautiful and sexy iphone last monday..... photos needed to be updated and people want to see pics of the fam. I've finally updated Flickr

Livie is beginning to move her arm a little, mostly upward movements, not quite bending at the elbow. Maybe by the time of her next appointment we'll see an improvement and hear positive feedback from the doctors. This video provides a visual of w
hat occurred to her nerves during birth (for those curious and needing visuals).... I'm trusting in God for healing, but His timing sure forces patience sometimes! Speaking of videos... I've been having fun uploading from my iphone on YouTube .... enjoy... I'll let you know when I update that as well.
She coos and smiles and eats all day. She brings a smile to my face ALL day long, well kinda, except when she's going through those growth spurts.... they're exhausting! :-)

The boys are doing great... we are working on expecting them to vocalize more. In the mean time, we work on getting their energy out any way we can. They hug and kiss as often as they have little temper tantrums, though they beginning to learn how
to play together.

I'm keeping myself busy with some personal projects and forget to pass along the updates and pics... feel free to yell at me often!

Love and hugs and kisses!
Ta! Ta!
Hey girl, you and Nick have made a beautiful family. All the pictures are lovely. That first pic of Indie, I mean... Olivia is just adorable.
lol! thanks for "remembering" her name
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