Thursday, April 2, 2009


quiet morning, originally uploaded by Natalie Fierro.

So many things around me are changing.... moving to San Diego has been nothing short of a journey, but we're here and healthy and having fun.

So this will be a boring update until I get the time fix our website.

Life is crazy busy and I can't update several things all once- especially if the kids are trying hard to "help" me type.... yeah, that doesn't end well.  

Posting with Blogger will now allow you all to email subscribe if you want updates sent directly to your mailbox... nifty eh? It will at least buy me time to revamp our site and still allow you all to get photo and fam updates.  Mainstream, easy and convenient.  Love it.

Oh! And check out our photostream on Flickr... you can also subscribe to the feed (but I'll update you on the blog as I update pics... )

For now, I'm going to call it a night, but I will post often (especially pics!)

Love you all!