Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Yes. I have indeed neglected to update this blog. BUT..... I have been busy working on my new venture in photography. PicturePastries Photography.

Check it out and follow the blog and website.

I'm really enjoying the creative outlet that is flexible enough to work around with having three young little ones.

Wish me luck, check me out and like me or fan me (or whatever phrase they come up with) on the facebook, that is, if you have one.

I'm not deleting this account anytime soon, but I also don't see myself updating it too much (at least until the kids get into school) :-) I will at the very least have pic updates on a regular basis in some form on flickr. Look for me if your a member and add me as a contact.

Good night people, I'm up WAY past my bedtime. With a dentist appointment in the morning. Yay me.

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